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Threshold Transformations

a Holy Lament blog 

A sacred space for heartfelt reflections from our community members journeying through the Landscape of Loss

A Mother's Grief

outrage Aug 23, 2024

(written Sunday, 10 July 2016)

Who’s there to hear the tears
Of a lost mother
Riding yet another wave
Of endless, endless grief
As she yearns for her children
Their touch, their smell
Their tiny fingers clasping her own
In that never want to let go
Embrace of forever yours?

Who’s there to hold the hand
Of sadness, empty palms
That long to stroke and caress
Their tousled heads
And bid them, one more time
Goodnight, sweet dreams
Love you to the moon and back?

Who’s there to read her stories
When all she wants to do is tell her own
To little bundles snug on her knee
Their eager eyes wanting more?

Who’s there to return the smile
Of a mother’s gaze
That will always look lovingly?

Who’s there, where are you all
When in the morning light
They’re gone.
Just memories in the wind
Of a passing age
Soaring notes on fleeing bows?

Who’s there to hold the roaring emptiness
To patch the gaping wound
To stroke her hair and keep her warm
To play the simple tunes
Of harmony untold
When she doesn’t know where to go?

Who’s there, Lord? Just you.


by: Abi
Holy Lament Member

Grief isn't an illness or mistake, it is a natural and sacred response to life’s inevitable losses. It is also a crucible for transformation. 

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