Welcome to the

Ordinary Mysticism Scavenger Hunt

 with Mirabai Starr

Welcome, brave and beautiful friend.

This event has ended

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Water the ground of your everyday life with your attention and harvest the bounty.  And then feed the hungry world.

The sacred lies hidden in plain sight.  It takes courage and patience to seek it, to uncover it, to exalt it.  Let's go on a little expedition to excavate the awe brimming from the places we may have overlooked: your kids and co-workers, snacks and hot baths, pumping gas and pumping iron.  Rain on the roof.  Heartbreak.

Your preparation items are below.


"Come practice being present with a community of ordinary mystics.  Watch how the sacred flowers when you water the aching places with love."

- Mirabai Starr

 Invite your friends on Facebook or follow us on Instagram and receive a free download of the Blessing for the Ordinary Mystic audio!

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To prepare for the Ordinary Mysticism Scavenger Hunt

Create Your Space

Before our time together, please gather...


-Anything that helps you feel grounded and comfortable 

This can be a cup of warm tea and a warm blanket or burning your favorite incense


-Your writing materials

This can be a special journal, a document on your computer.


-Your pre-writing prompt

Before we gather for a week of uncovering the sacredness in your everyday life, please take a few minutes to reflect and write on this prompt:

Where have you lost your sense of wonder?

Reclaim everyday existence as an opportunity for awakening and praising the miraculous nestled inside the mundane.
