$35.00 USD

Summer Solstice Yin & Yoga Nidra with Willow Brook


Pay What You Can $30-40

No one turned away

Please offer what is possible and generous to you to support our team in continuing to share these events. 

A percentage of all donations are given back to Mother India in deep gratitude for the tradition of yoga.


Summer Solstice Yin Yoga Nidra 

Summer Solstice Yin & Yoga Nidra will be 2 hours of yin yoga to bring deep restoration into the body. Practice will combine pranayama (breathwork) asana (physical postures) that we hold for 3-5 minutes on the floor supported by props, Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep that allows us to rest more deeply than our typical modern life allows) and devotional chanting.  

Come as you are to dive into the inner life and bear loving witness to all that arises. 


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