Yin & Yoga Nidra To Honor The Dead

 with Willow Brook

November 3, 5-7pm Pacific

2 hours of deep embodied restoration to connect to the inner life and remember the ancestors

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Are you longing to slow down enough to be with your inner life?

Rest is an essential ingredient to life.

Join Willow for an evening of deep relaxation as we enter the sacred time of the year when so many cultures remember those who have walked before us.

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Do you long to honor those who have died with ceremony that includes the body?

Yin & Yoga Nidra To Honor The Dead will be an immersive 2 hour journey of yin yoga to bring deep restoration into the body. Our practice will combine pranayama (breathwork) asana (physical postures) that we hold for 3-5 minutes on the floor supported by props, yoga nidra (yogic sleep that allows us to rest more deeply than our typical modern life allows) and devotional chanting.  

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What is Yin Yoga?

Yin yoga is a slower paced practice that cultivates inner reflection and relaxation. Holding floor poses with support for the body for longer periods of time targets the connective tissue of the body. It supports emotional, mental energetic and physical health and vitality.

What is Yoga Nidra?

Yin nidra (yogic sleep) is a guided relaxation practice that allows us to rest more deeply than our typical modern life allows.

Come as you are to dive into the inner life and bear loving witness to all that arises.

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This gathering is for you if you are...

-Craving a respite to restore and replenish your spirit


-Longing to commune with the those who have passed on


-Grappling with the weight of daily trials and tribulations


-Wishing for a moment of tranquility amidst life's ceaseless rush


-Seeking the path that leads to the whispers of your own heart's wisdom  

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Connection with the ancestors

 You’re welcome to join whether you long to honor your beloved dead, have little known relationship to your ancestors, or anything in between. Our relationships to the dead can be complex and we welcome it all in this practice. 

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Meet Willow

Willow Brook is an earth-loving educator, creative director, and artist with over a decade of experience teaching in classrooms around the world. She combines devotional practices of earth ritual, mindfulness, yoga, and song to support people through life transitions, bringing the sacred into everyday life. Willow is the co-founder of Wild Heart and supports grief gatherings and contemplative experiences rooted in the divine feminine. She has been practicing the tradition of yoga for half of her life with commitment to honoring the heart of the practice and its roots.

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After our 2 hours together you will...

-Have an opportunity to settle into deep relaxation


-Shape an altar to honor the dead


 -Allow your nervous system to reset and be invited to enter a rest and digest state


-Open the connective tissues of the body


-Have a practice of deep rest to return to

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What others have to say about practicing with Willow...

"Willows yin yoga classes are my favorite. She holds the space so beautifully and gently, allowing us to be with any emotions that arise."

-Elise F.

 "Willow Brook's compassion is deeper than the ocean, through her Presence and through her Songs, she helped free my heart from the numbness that I no longer needed for protection."

-Susan F.

 "I want more singing with Willow. WOW!"

-Jessica W.

 "Willow has an innate gift for gently opening hearts during tender moments. Her generous sharing of sacred wisdom, deliberate and mindful space-holding, and the resonant beauty of her chants evoke a profound stirring within. She is, without doubt, an extraordinary teacher."

-Rosa S.

 "I’m grateful for Willow’s warm and confident guidance to slow down and care for our bodies with lots of spaciousness. I also appreciate the incorporation of songs and poems along with careful movement.”

-Rachel B


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Join Yin & Yoga Nidra To Honor The Dead

We value your participation regardless of financial resources. 

Suggested Contribution


No one turned away

Please offer what is possible and generous for you to support our team in continuing to share these events. 

A percentage of all contributions are given back to Mother India in deep gratitude for the tradition of yoga.

We look forward to gathering with you to honor the dead.


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A complimentary companion

 Yin & Yoga Nidra to Honor The Dead is a complimentary companion to our upcoming workshop Writing Across The Veil with Mirabai Starr that I’m very excited to facilitate. What an honor it is to bring the ancestors into our awareness during this season with both of these offerings!

Learn more about Writing Across The Veil