Writing Across the Veil

Using Your Imagination To Connect With The Ancestors

 with Mirabai Starr

October 20-22

An exploration of writing as a spiritual practice to remember and honor those who have passed

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What do you most wish you could hear from a loved one who has died?

Everyone has ancestors. 

 Whether you knew your great grandmother or only heard stories about her,

whether your spiritual teacher is still alive or passed last century,

whether your loved ones who died were elderly or very young...


We all have soul connections with the spirit world.

 Writing is a powerful catalyst for reclaiming closeness with those who are not physically with us anymore.


Join Mirabai for a weekend of reconnecting with loved ones on the other side of the veil. 

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What would the story of a relationship that has ended look like if you could rewrite it?

Are you feeling the presence of the beloved dead closer during this season?


Would you like to use this thin time to reach out to them, and feel them reaching back?

In this inclusive practice, we offer evocative writing prompts to stimulate your sacred imagination and build a bridge of language and beauty to cultivate intimacy with important people who are no longer alive, but who, especially in this liminal season, are still available to us when we write our way home to them.

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Can you dare to believe that when you write to your loved ones who have died you are actually making contact, that they can receive your words?

Would you like to respectfully draw on the ancient cultural practices of Day of the Dead and weave them into your writing in a meaningful way?

Come with a willingness to dive deeply into hidden places in your soul where your relationships with those who have died still abide, beckoning your attention and creative engagement.  Bring pictures of your loved ones and  candles to honor them.  Be prepared for your writing to surprise and challenge you, and also to invigorate and console you.

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This gathering is for you if you are...

-Longing to connect with the ancestors you never knew


-Missing loved ones who have died and yearning for contact


-Regretting unfinished business


-Wishing you could say something you didn’t dare to when they were here


-Needing to hear something they never said to you


-Looking for a ritual way to honor the dead (or a relationship that has ended or other reality that is over)

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What to expect during our weekend together...

-Guided writing practices with Mirabai woven with “Lectio Divina” (sacred reading) and poetry


-Intimate small group sharing with writing companions


-Ceremony to remember and honor those who have passed


-Guided and silent meditation to hear the words that long to be written


-Community connection in our private Facebook page


-Songs with Willow to honor the dead


-Live Q&R with Mirabai


-Lifetime access to Writing Across the Veil recordings



 -A special excerpt from the unreleased audiobook for Mirabai’s memoir Caravan of No Despair


-Mirabai’s written piece “Writing Through the Fire”


-Mirabai’s talk reframing the stages of grief as stations of transformation


-Lifetime access to the Flames of Truth: A Writing Adventure recording

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  The Weekend Flow

  Knocking on the Ancestor's Door

Friday Oct 20th 5-7pm Pacific 


The veils are thin, the gates are cracked and there's an opening.

We are knocking with all our hearts.

Join us in an opening ceremony to honor loved ones who have died with guided meditation, writing practice and community sharing.



Connecting with the Ancestors of our Genetic Heritage

Saturday Oct 21st 8-11am Pacific 


There are people in our family tree that we have never known but who carry specific wisdom that can guide us now.

As soon as someone in our family dies, they automatically take the shape of an ancestor who cares about our spiritual flourishing.

In this session we will access their particular gifts meant for us.

Join us for contemplative reading, guided writing, community sharing and live Q&R.



Connecting with the Ancestors of our Spiritual Lineages

Sunday Oct 22nd 8-11am Pacific 


If you could sit at the feet of an unconditionally loving wisdom keeper, what would your heart most long to say or hear?

In this session we will use our sacred imagination to harvest the wisdom of the spiritual lineages we most resonate with.

Join us for contemplative reading, guided writing, community sharing and live Q&R.


All sessions will take place on zoom and you will have lifetime access to recordings. 
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By the end of our weekend together you will...

 -Forge a meaningful relationship with your ancestors, whether you knew them or not.


-Feel a renewed sense of access to your beloveds on the other side of the veil.


-Befriend the wisdom keepers of the spiritual lineages you most resonate with.


-Unburden your heart of regrets and resentments you may carry of loved ones who have died.


-Compile a powerful body of work that reflects your journey of communing across the veil.

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Meet Mirabai

Mirabai Starr is an award-winning author of creative non-fiction and contemporary translations of sacred literature. She taught Philosophy and World Religions at the University of New Mexico-Taos for 20 years and now teaches and speaks internationally on contemplative practice and inter-spiritual dialog. A certified bereavement counselor, Mirabai helps mourners harness the transformational power of loss. Her latest book, WILD MERCY: Living the Fierce & Tender Wisdom of the Women Mystics, was named one of the “Best Books of 2019”. She lives with her extended family in the mountains of northern New Mexico.

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Your ancestors are calling

We look forward to drawing the bridge together.




In Writing Across the Veil you get...


-Guided writing practices with Mirabai woven with “Lectio Divina” (sacred reading) and poetry
-Intimate small group sharing with writing companions
-Ceremony to remember and honor those who have passed
-Guided and silent meditation to hear the words that long to be written
-Community connection in our private Facebook page
-Songs with Willow to honor the dead
-Live Q&R with Mirabai
-Lifetime access to Writing Across the Veil recordings



 -A special excerpt from the unreleased audiobook for Mirabai’s memoir Caravan of No Despair
-Mirabai’s written piece “Writing Through the Fire”
-Mirabai’s talk reframing the stages of grief as stations of transformation
-Lifetime access to the Flames of Truth: A Writing Adventure recording

At Wild Heart, we value participation regardless of financial resources. Understanding the disparities of our world, we offer financial support to BIPOC LGBTQIA+ and others in significant financial need. 

What others have to say about writing with Mirabai...

"I know so much more about myself as each portal reveals deeper layers of realisation, understanding and compassion. To be brought to the table, sat down and ready to listen, to share and to write, is a very powerful medicine."

-Julie W.

"I'm not feeling so alone. It is giving me permission to not know anything, to not build a story, solve the why or wrap my loss in a spiritual package"

-Glo U.

"“I am receiving exactly the kind of support I need to turn towards my compound grief. The mystical alchemy of its transformation. Entering my grief through poems, music, myth, sharing, writing, and a grounded sacred space allows me to access it in manageable ways and amounts"

-Lisa S.

"Our collective has shifted the ritual of life into the routine of existence, and it is heartbreaking that there is such an absence of group ceremony where we feel held by our community and we feel we belong. This is a space filled with the healing feminine face of the holy. It is so needed and such a balm."

-Sarah P

"Thank you so very much for blessing us with your wisdom, experiences and love."

-Jen V.

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You do not have to believe in the spirit world to harvest the bounty of this creative and contemplative practice. Simply show up with your spacious mind and hungry heart.