Wild Mercy Virtual Retreat

Live the Fierce & Tender Wisdom of the Feminine 


with Mirabai Starr

June 7-9


Join Us

Do you long for the wisdom of the feminine to infuse your daily life?

Join Mirabai for a weekend with the feminine.

"The earth is cracking open, and the women are rising from our hiding places and spilling onto the streets, lifting the suffering into our arms, demanding justice from the tyrants, pushing on the patriarchy and activating a paradigm shift such as the world has never seen."


-Wild Mercy by Mirabai Starr
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"Taking time to be steeped in the love and presence of The One who manifests through time and history through saints, poets and mystics of all traditions is a profound gift."

-Molly O., Wild Mercy Retreat Participant

Draw from the wellspring of feminine wisdom

Brighten and soothe your spirit, embolden and uplift your heart, and weave community with us.


This is an invitation for people of all genders who yearn for a more wildly creative, tenderly inclusive space for transformation.

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"The idea that the wisdom of the feminine IS both fierce AND tender was helpful for me, to recognize paradigms that no longer support me and the the freedom to shed those and come home to what is in my heart."


-Gerianne H.

Are you longing for creative tender space to express your own wild heart?


Do you tend to limit the feminine to qualities of gentleness?


Do you have trouble subscribing to a belief in a personified deity called God?


Are you more inclined toward embodiment than dogma?


Would you like to learn more about women mystics and goddesses across the spiritual traditions?



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"For women mystics, contemplative life is not so much a matter of transcending the illusions of mundane existence or attaining states of perfect equanimity as it is about becoming as fully present as possible to the realities of the human experience."

-Wild Mercy by Mirabai Starr

What to expect during our weekend together...


Dive into teachings on 8 women mystics and goddesses across the spiritual spectrum who carry special medicine for our times. 


Join us in guided meditation and writing practices with Mirabai, chanting with Willow and small group conversations to share.


Share this vibrant experience of refuge with friends in a private Facebook group as you lay down your burdens and renew.


Receive lifetime access to the recordings, Fire of Desire: The Way of the Feminine Mystic replay, and two FREE downloadable essays by Mirabai.

Join Us


"It was so meaningful to be guided into a free writing exercise with Mirabai's beautiful, deep and rich teachings followed by a prompt." 

-Monica B., Wild Mercy Retreat Participant

The Weekend Flow

 Explore 8 women mystics and goddesses across the spiritual spectrum who carry special medicine for our times.  Highlighting themes of longing for the divine and justice-making, we support you in forging intimate relationships with these wisdom beings as living allies on your own journey.


Friday, June 7th 5-7pm Pacific 

Laying down your burden


A Welcome Gathering & Interspiritual Shabbat Ceremony that will give you the materials to cultivate a sabbath practice to fit the shape of your life going forward.



Saturday June 8th 8-11am Pacific 

Longing for God


Teachings from Mirabai about…
Teresa of Ávila
Rābiʿa al-ʿAdawiyya
Poet Mirabai
Poet Lalla Ded (Lalleshwari)
Plus ...
Live Q&R with Mirabai
Writing as a spiritual practice
Small group time


Sunday June 9th 8-11am Pacific 

Mending the World


Teachings from Mirabai about…
Hildegard of Bingen
Quan Yin

Plus …
Live Q&R with Mirabai
Writing as a spiritual practice
Small group time



Receive lifetime access to the recordings, Fire of Desire: The Way of the Feminine Mystic replay, and two FREE downloadable essays by Mirabai.

Join Us

By the end of our weekend together, you will...


-Walk away with living wisdom from the wellspring of the sacred feminine


-Embrace women mystics and goddesses as accessible allies on your path


-Have learned beautiful chants from across the traditions


-Reclaim the sacredness of your everyday life


-Generate a series of writings in response to evocative prompts


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Meet Mirabai

Mirabai Starr is an award-winning author of creative non-fiction and contemporary translations of sacred literature. She taught Philosophy and World Religions at the University of New Mexico-Taos for 20 years and now teaches and speaks internationally on contemplative practice and inter-spiritual dialog. A certified bereavement counselor, Mirabai helps mourners harness the transformational power of loss. Her latest book, WILD MERCY: Living the Fierce & Tender Wisdom of the Women Mystics, was named one of the “Best Books of 2019”. She lives with her extended family in the mountains of northern New Mexico.

Join Us

Steep in the Feminine with Mirabai 

For people of all genders, this weekend gathering is a call to reclaim the wild heart of the holy.



Standard Rate



At Wild Heart, we value participation regardless of financial resources. Understanding the disparities of our world, we offer financial support to BIPOC LGBTQIA+ and others in significant financial need. If you need financial support to make it possible to attend, please apply here.


"When Mirabai speaks, we awaken without knowing until we realize our epiphanies are real and can free us from self-imposed slumber. " 

-Susan F., Wild Mercy Retreat Participant

See what people are saying about Wild Mercy Retreat with Mirabai...

"It was beautiful to receive Mirabai's teachings, to chant with Willow, to write and to share with fellow travelers on this path. Taking time to be steeped in the love and presence of The One who manifests through time and history through saints, poets and mystics of all traditions is a profound gift."


-Molly O.

"It was so meaningful to be guided into a free writing exercise with Mirabai's beautiful, deep and rich teachings followed by a prompt. This seemed to naturally lead us to a place of deep vulnerability especially sharing our writing with others, strangers on some level but also kindred souls on another level.  "


-Monica B.

"When Mirabai speaks, she creates an open community that has been seeking and yearning for deeper interconnection. When Mirabai speaks, we awaken without knowing until we realize our epiphanies are real and can free us from self-imposed slumber. "


-Susan F.

"It awakened a deep knowing that I do belong to a great resourced tribe and helped me lay down the burden that I am alone. It reminded me the journey is embodied, sensual and wild!"


-Kristine R.

"The idea that the wisdom of the feminine IS both fierce AND tender was helpful for me, to recognize paradigms that no longer support me and the the freedom to shed those and come home to what is in my heart."


-Gerianne H.

"I laid my burdens at the feet of the Divine Mother, I made my demands to God and the Universe and I was sent forth to continue to pursue justice and peace in this world."


-Rev. Dr. Gail U.

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Join Us

We look forward to steeping in the Feminine and weaving community with you.

Wild Mercy cover art by Erin Currier