February 2, 2025  •  11am PT 

Explore the power of leveraging ritual within community for holding and alchemizing the depths of grief.


with Mikyö Black-Wangmo & Willow Brook

Join the Conversation

Holy Lament members get automatic access to all conversations in the series. Zoom details will be sent before the event.


Why this Topic?

Humans have grieved in community through ritual for centuries. Ritual creates a bridge for us to access the holy in the mundane, and hold a container for our grief to be fully felt and released. 

The community of loving presence and care creates a container of safety and connection that allows us to soften and surrender into grief. Grief is not something we are meant to hold. We are especially not meant to hold it alone. Through colonization we have become bereft of both meaningful ritual and communal grieving. Grief Rituals welcome us back into an embodied remembrance and reclamation of our innate capacity to both fully grieve and be more fully alive.

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About Mikyö Black-Wangmo

Mikyö Black-Wangmo lives their life in devotion to holding and tending grief medicine as a pathway to freedom and Essence. The wild, beautiful Red Willow lands known as Taos, New Mexico is their beloved home.

As a facilitator, educator, death doula, and somatic practitioner Mikyö brings deeply cultivated presence in service to the empowerment of those they work with. They are a student of the Elements and Natural world, their indigenous mexican and more-than-human Ancestors, of Grief and Death, and of their esoteric teachers and lineages. 

Their positionality as a queer, 2 spirit, indigenous PoC, transracial adoptee allows them the privilege to exist and work outside of and beyond the systems of oppression we all live in and are affected by. Mikyö is dedicated to becoming more and more joyfully alive and free in service to love and life, and in supporting others to do the same. Mikyö is the founder of Subrosa Santo, in devotion to the medicine of Wild Rose. Learn more at www.SubrosaSanto.com

About Willow Brook

Willow Brook is an earth-loving educator, creative director, and artist with over a decade of experience teaching in classrooms around the world. She combines devotional practices of earth ritual, mindfulness, yoga, and song to support people through life transitions, bringing the sacred into everyday life.

Willow is the co-founder of Wild Heart and supports grief gatherings and contemplative experiences rooted in the divine feminine. She has been practicing the tradition of yoga for half of her life with commitment to honoring the heart of the practice and its roots.


Learn more at: www.soulinvocation.com

This gathering will offer...

Wisdom from friends who have traversed the landscape of loss

Reminders that you are not alone in your nuanced experience of grief

Refuge and relief to be honest about mourning in a grief-phobic world

Growth in your grief literacy

Insight & education about grief topics rarely addressed

Inspiration to embrace grief as a spiritual path

Join the Conversation

We're eager to hear your voice.

Participants will be asked to submit questions before the event to inform what our speakers share. You will also have an opportunity to ask follow up questions during our time together live.


You are an important part of the conversation.


Join us heart-to-heart in exploring the full spectrum of grief.

These conversations are for those who may be feeling alienated in their grief experience, longing for community and supportive resources. We hope these dialogues with companions on the journey will offer new perspectives and aid in exploring grief as a spiritual process.

Explore All Grief Conversations